Huda Hassen Durri established E-CHOICE INSURANCE almost two decades ago. She comprehends and solves contractual safety-net concerns tied with humanity’s life and health. At the same, she established the SUSTAINABLE PEACE AND JOY ethical framework to reach out for those with broken wings – elders and orphans.
Her insurance industry experience encompasses a variety of products that can help her clients meet a number of insurance and financial needs, including, but not limited to college funding, retirement, managing costs for extended periods of care and lifetime income strategies.
Since childhood, whenever Huda needed Guidance, she often visualize our Riteous Ancestors such as AyaHawa, Abraham, Enoch, Moses, Jesus, Mary, Mohammed, Buddha, Joseph, David, Solomon and Sheba sit in a round table and come towards a common Elders’ consensus centered in Ma’at ideals / Clean Hands Doctrine – namely selfless equity in true empowering joyous Love.
She is fluent in English and Harar-Geye, comprehends Amharic and Arabic, and is familiar with Spanish, Hindi and Urdu languages.
She believes that Scriptures are irrevocable spiritual, financial and health care By-Laws/Trusts in true Love – where The Trust’s grantor, beneficiary and payor is The Creator, and trustees are we the People. The Creator defines the Terms, Conditions and Vision for The Trust. From this Trust, we sub-create other entity derivatives such as treaties, constitutions, by-laws, trusts. This Trust’s ideals are embedded inside our current fiscal and monetary policies crystalize the heart for the Clean Hands Doctrine, UN charter, UPU, UCC codes, and/or the Ma’at ideals.
Namely The Seal sums: “…Put your Treasure where moth/inflation and rust/taxation cannot destroy, and where thieves/volatilities cannot break and steal…. For where your Treasure is so is your Heart. When your Eye is full in Light so is your whole Body….” “Pure and undefiled re-legion before our God is this: look after those with broken wings in their distress and keep oneself unstained by the world….”
“How can I Serve the global humanity in Light?” has been the Quest for Huda since early childhood. In 2007, this Light led her to examine the major re-legions, fiscal and monetary contracts through The Great Seal’s Pyramid and ANNUITY CONCEPTS. Today, she realizes that The Seal bridges the Heavenly By-Laws with the earth’s Treasure Contracts.
In Light with the above, she specializes in financial services that allow her clients establish powerful current and generational Treasures.
In summary, Huda’s quest for Visualizing, serving and realizing in-Lightening financial and health care policies for humanity is ever-living “whence no man defrauds another”. Thus, so we too may Receive on earth – as in Heaven – The Sovereign Christ/ Crystalline Light.
Please contact us to help you fully analyze your needs and recommend appropriate solutions. Neither E-Choice Insurance Group, nor its agents, provides tax, legal, or accounting advice. Please consult your own tax, legal, or accounting professionals before making any decisions. E-Choice Insurance Group is not licensed in all jurisdictions.